Thursday, July 15, 2010

And now we wait

IUI number two is also on the books. Now, we just wait. Two weeks, and we'll know whether it all worked.

Numbers seem to be doing what they're supposed to. E2 dropped a bit to 5,500 which is expected, LH is only 4 which would mean I've surged, and progesterone rose from 7 to 17 which is also a good indication of ovulation. All good.

Today saw 20 million spermies at 98% motility injected to the left side of my uterus to join their 24 hour old counterparts of yesterday. 80 million sperm, 7 eggs. Here's hoping just one finds one and makes magic.

Hubs and I grabbed some lunch after the IUI then headed back out towards home. I started feeling quite crampy mid afternoon, and the continued feeling of needing to pee that I've been dealing with for the past few days has only intensified. Add to the fact that I believe I've now got blood in my urine (no fun to wipe and see pink!!) and I'm pretty sure I've got a UTI.


Not fair, just not fair!

As if the cramping wasn't bad enough (not complaining though - if it means something's happening I'm all for it!) now the constant need to pee with almost no relief is killer! Bah.

I've emailed Dr. H to see if he could call something in for me on the advice of a friend who's a GP so now, more waiting! Hopefully he'll be able to help me out tonight but if not I'll be off to the doctor tomorrow. Not sure how as hubs is working from 8-8, but I'll figure that out tomorrow.

Now I just need to sleep and take it easy and hopefully start to feel all around better!

Thanks again for all the support over the past few weeks. I'll be holding off until at least 10dpo to test so I'm going to try to enjoy this 'everything is possible' feeling for as long as I can. :)


cdnmtbchick on July 15, 2010 at 7:55 PM said...

It so exciting to follow your progress (though sometimes I don't stop in as often as I'd like, and I hardly ever post anything). My thought and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for ya, girl! This is awesome. Let's hope this is the magic ticket. :)

Michelle said...

I'm sending all good and positive thoughts your way!!

Anonymous said...

Crossing everything for you! Nice having a friend GP isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Everything looks great !!!! I'm sending all my good and postitive thoughts to you girl!

Janny A. on July 17, 2010 at 2:11 PM said...

Every positive, happy vibe is heading over to that left side of yours ;)

Anonymous said...

Shannon I'm keeping everything crossed for you! I'm glad you got treated quickly for your UTI (wink wink).

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