Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trigger happy

So here we are, day 12, after 8pm, and we're triggered.

That's right, I took my last shot of the cycle, the holy grail of the stim cycle, less than two hours ago. It's all up to 10,000 units of hCG now.

My E2 was only 3995 today but we decided to trigger anyway. Dr. H told me that 50% of eggs measuring greater than 1.5 will be mature, so he's hoping that judging by my follicles we'll have 8 or 9 mature eggs. So I'm holding on to that right now.

No more stims, no more orgalutron, nothing. Wow. And thank goodness - had he wanted me to stim again tonight, it would have cost us another $500!

I'm working compressed days right now because I'm so uncomfortable. Work's been really understanding which is very helpful - like I could deal with any more stress right now!

As soon as I got off the train this aft Hubs and I did a quick jaunt to Addition Elle so I could buy some comfy new stretchy pants for retrieval day - everything now is feeling a bit tight - then we ran into Chapters to pick up some books to read while I'm off. Final stop was Shoppers to get my estrace prescription and the enema....oh yes, you read that right, the enema....and then we were home.

Turns out my left ovary is high and I'm dealing with one of the delightful side effect of all the meds - gas - (hells to the yeah, this shit is glamourous), so an enema it is. They want to ensure they get a clear view of everything, so good times. We had to do this last time too and oh boy, it felt like everything else was a cake walk compared to this! Hopefully we've learned some lessons from last year - 'cause it's not as easy as it looks on the box.

So back to the clinic tomorrow morning for bloodwork to make sure my E2 hasn't done something weird overnight, but we're really hoping that the lack of orgalutran and the addition of ovidrel will help it finally spike a bit.

That would be nice. It's way overdue!

After the blood it's off to work for another short day to wrap everything up, then I'm finished all that until the 14th.

Tonight I'm delighted to be able to head to bed before my 10:30 drug time. As soon as Glee is over, I'm done with this day. My wonderful bed awaits.


Kate on September 3, 2009 at 8:14 AM said...

Hope your E2 takes a nice jump today post trigger! I'm going to be so interested to hear how retrieval and the embryo reports turn out. My first (cancelled) cycle was a little similar to yours in terms of overall E2 at trigger (mine was lower), but my levels had fallen twice during the stim phase before rising again. Yours have at least been climbing steadily.
Hoping for the best for you tomorrow! If it helps, I did part of an enema recently for awful constipation. Previously I'd tried the elbows and knees position, but never felt like my butt was high enough in the air to have the enema drain well into my colon. That time I tried lying on my left side, which was much more comfortable (don't like kneeling on a tile floor), and seemed to work ok. Good luck with that!

Spacey on September 3, 2009 at 12:06 PM said...

Good luck tomorrow!!! Thinking of you!

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